Sunday, March 16, 2014


A good book or good movie have the same basic mechanics. They draw you in at the very beginning. With a movie, this usually entails some weird scene that is explained somewhere towards the middle or the end of the movie. With a book, it is usually some awesome beggining that makes you want to read more. They both keep you from knowing the true story until the very end. They both make you think that one thing is true becuase you trust some character, that at the very end turns out not to be trustworthy. They will make you stay up really late not doing your homework, and that at the end you realize that you actually do have to do homework, starting with the stuff due tomorrow and ending with the stuff you have been procrastinating on for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. There are worse things in the world then being behind on homework due to being wrapped up in a great book. Good luck!
