Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Why are the few days before winter break so hectic? In my opinion, they should be school quieting down and wrapping up, but instead, teachers decide that this is a great time to pile on homework and to have us try to do 2 weeks worth of things in only a half of a week. For example, I have 2 test corrections that were handed back to me today, and  I am expected to get them done by tomorrow. I just want to relax, and get done homework at my own pace. Sometime, schools should just learn that they are not the most important part of peoples lives. Except for Max and Kam. They actually gave us less homework than normal, like I was hoping for.


My sister says I abandoned my morals in order to see a small, stupid movie. However, it is not just some stupid movie. It is the movie based on possibly the greatest book of all time. Other than the lord of the rings, of course. However, the movie did not live up to the book very well at all, so I am sorry that I saw it and gave royalties to the author of the book. Orson Scott Card is a racist, sexist, homophobic idiot who I would hate, were it not for how great his books are. Ender's Game was a great book, and they need to make the movie better

Friday, December 13, 2013


I went into town to the bank
driving a septic tank
I ran into Fred
who was buying a head
I obviously had too much to drank

Winter break is lots of fun
despite the lack of the sun
I get lots of sleep
For school I never weep
I go down many a ski run

There once was a student from logan
He aspired to be the shogun
he stayed up all night
imagining a fight
but he couldn't think of a slogan

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Occasional poem

Your advances have been frequent,
and yet thus far non,
non have had the ability to compete,
compete with the novelty of your most recent shift.
The changes to this part of you,
a very important part of you,
make even your most basic functions,
functions that I have finally learned the limits of,
almost unrecognizable.
Now, because of your idea,
your decision to screw with my mental capacity,
my most basic learning,
I must completely relearn one of my most favorite hobbies.
iOS 7, you are the most recent in the line of Apple inventions,
why did you have to come now?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Curse poem

This one is about breaking ones elbow during basketball practice. (Not that it is actually broken)

May  your spuds be like rosary-beads on the stalk,
An you find the bees but not the honey,
may the guinea-fowl cry as you show yourself,
and may you have the runs on your wedding night (since your spuds were so bad),
may you be afflicted with an itch and have no nails to scratch with,
but not make my arm itchy beneath the cast.
oh I hate you broken bones,
 go across yourself!

The most important thing in life is eating potatoes, so i figured that was the best opening curse.
It is really hard to type with only your left hand.