Saturday, March 1, 2014

Slice 1

Is there anything more fun than tackling your teacher into the snow (or getting tackled trying)? In my opinion, there isn't. To me, it almost feels like saying "screw you" to all of the people who tell me that I need to respect authority more and the whole system of calling teachers by their last name (not that I have ever been part of one of those systems). I find that it also helps form a kind of relationship with the teacher that can't be formed otherwise. Tackling classmates isn't quite as fun, but still is far up there for most fun things to do. It helps get all of the anger at that person out, and helps anyone become friends with their classmates. It is also good practice for tackling siblings, since classmates and siblings are about the same size. I have always found that the quickest way to friendship is to tackle someone when they least expect to go down, and then let them get you back.

Tackle fights are one of the many reasons why snow is awesome. If anyone disagrees that tackle fights are the best, then they should get their head checked.


  1. I'm still a little sore from that wonderful episode yesterday! Your voice shines through in this slice. I also enjoy your reasoning about tackling making good friends. It even works sometimes. Good start to this month of slicing!

  2. I really enjoyed that as well, I also agree with you when you said how you build better relations with the teachers than you would sitting in a classroom

  3. That was a very memorable and wonderful afternoon. There is something so satisfying in plunging someone into a snow drift and then falling down too. So different from when I was in school!
