Monday, January 27, 2014

Catch-22 Week 2

This week I continued to read Catch-22. I can't say much more about the book than I did last time without giving stuff away, so if you want to know more about the book, read last weeks post. Instead in this post I'll just answer the mandatory questions.
A classic is a book or story that has a moral and the majority of people who read it believe it to be one of the best books ever written. I believe that Catch-22 falls under both of these criteria, so I do believe it to be a classic. However, it would help enormously if Joseph Heller suddenly died, since that always help a classic be more classicy. Catch-22 has the moral that war is horrible, and that people who are impacted by war never get better. However, it shows this in a humorous way, making it a good book, although I don't think it comes even close to the LOTR books.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I have always been interested in classics, and I'll bet this is really good. I am also fascinated with books about war, so I think I might like this. Did you put the fish thing on the right side of the screen? It's awesome.
